CAS plans two offices for Olympic Games in Paris

The International Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is preparing to open two temporary offices in Paris for the Olympic Games. There will be one office for the CAS Ad Hoc Division, which will handle all legal disputes that arise during the Summer Games. The second temporary office is for the CAS Anti-Doping Division, which decides on possible doping cases.

The Ad Hoc Court has been in operation at all Olympic Games since 1996. Disputes are dealt there free of charge. The respective competition schedule is taken into account. In urgent cases, however, decisions are made within 24 hours.

The Office for Anti-Doping Cases has existed at the Olympic Games since Rio de Janeiro 2016. This CAS division deals with possible doping violations submitted by the International Testing Agency (ITA) in accordance with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) anti-doping rules.

Both offices will be located within the Paris courthouse in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. They will be operational from July 16 and will finish their work on August 11, one day after the closing ceremony of the Paris Games.

The CAS will open two temporary offices for Paris 2024. GETTY IMAGES
The CAS will open two temporary offices for Paris 2024. GETTY IMAGES

At the last Olympic Games, the 2022 Beijing Winter Games, the International Court of Arbitration for Sport had to deal with, among other things, the doping case of Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva.

The CAS exists since 1984 and is based in Lausanne. It is the highest legal authority in world sport.